Educational centre Arkona PN implements the following programs of life-long learning and adult education programs for the new development era:

Coaching for transformative leadership

The leader development program of the new development era (transformative leadership) inspires positive changes, focus, proactivity, friendliness and enthusiasm. Participants in transformative leadership coaching learn how to intellectually stimulate colleagues; how to find solutions for the status quo; how to be creative and encourage creativity; how to support the exchange of ideas; motivate and provide support and encouragement; how to foster supportive relationships, how to keep open communication; how to explore new ways of doing things and new opportunities to learn and develop. They learn how to be an authentic role model, how to inspire growth and inspire trust among co-workers.

The transformative leadership program is implemented by an interdisciplinary expert team, applying a tailor-made approach to the client (organization, company, team), which can be organized in any place of the Czech Republic by agreement.

Healthy trends in food preparation – vegetarian and vegan cooking course

The program includes knowledge and skills related to the prerequisites for preparing healthy food. Course participants learn traditional and modern approaches to food preparation while respecting all required regulations for food safety. The training is conducted by trainers with professional knowledge, many years of experience and acquired international recognition. Acquired knowledge and skills are tested in the final exam. After successfully passing the final exam, participants receive a certificate that enables them to apply knowledge in professional practice.

Conscious gardening, self-development and coexistence

Creative work in the garden of joy based on the principles of spiritual cultivation of healthy food using biodynamic garden methods and organic plant cultivation, relying on the foundations of permaculture. The program is created for different ages, both for youth and adults. Participants learn how to grow plants without pesticides while being aware of the coexistence of all life forms.

The program includes a holistic, ecological and ethical approach to agriculture, gardening, food and nutrition in which vitality has the highest priority. Coexistence and the development of personal relationship with plants, animals, and minerals are encouraged in order to have holistic approach to agriculture. Conscious gardening is a living organism: independent and self-sustaining. Through conscious gardening, we express our responsibility for creating and maintaining the health and vitality of our own and other beings.

Digital competences programme for humans of the new developmental era

Program for the development of digital competences, for the development of life and entrepreneurial skills and knowledge, digital education, culture and business, and the development of the entrepreneurial potential of women in the field of digital technologies. Participants learn about the ways in which digital technology can make everyday life easier, be the basis for creating smart homes; how digital technology can help in the development of creativity and in achieving better communication in everyday life and business.

The educational center Arkona PN in partnership with the International Yoga Academy – Yoga Federation of Europe implements the following programs of lifelong education and adult education with the application of yoga methods with academic approach:

Eco Yoga

The Eco Yoga program aims to foster an ecologically sustainable society, rooted in environmental protection and non-violence (ahimsa).

Eco yoga is a method that, in addition to its spectrum of developmental stimulation, contributes to the development of ecological awareness and a more direct understanding of unity, respect for diversity and mutuality.

Ecological awareness represents an individual’s aspiration to improve the quality of life in all its dimensions, opening new perspectives, applying ecological values directly into everyday practice through practicing an ecological lifestyle.

Individual ecological consciousness is generated into global ecological consciousness and thus constitutes the most massive global developmental movement, a movement that directs us to the unity of ecosystems and coexistence with other people, animals, plants and minerals.

Yoga for artists

In the inspiring atmosphere of the educational centre ARKONA PN, we organize a Yoga camp for artists, which is a professional regenerative seminar intended for those for whom art is a professional direction and life mission.

The camp is a seven-day all-day program conducted by experts of the Yoga Federation of Europe.

The expert team consists of doctors of science, yoga teachers with many decades of experience who foster an academic approach to yoga.

Artists are introduced to the foundations of yoga and the techniques needed to understand and develop their own physical, psychological and energetic potential. Devotees of different forms of art strengthen psycho-motor skills; increase resistance to stress; they learn how to prevent injuries and illnesses encouraged by an active and responsible attitude towards health.

The thousand-year tradition of yoga helps artists to apply and integrate what they have learned into their professional life and work. By mastering the practical skills of yoga, artists increase the quality of artistic expression.

Regenerative yoga (50+)

In our work with the general population, we pay special attention to the 50+ population with the desire to contribute to the vitality of women and men in their mature years, and for this purpose we organize regenerative yoga camps (50+).

By practicing yoga, the health of people over 50 gradually improves. It is an opportunity to regain confidence in the strength of own body, to regenerate the being, regain vitality, strengthen muscles and improve balance, to regain youthful spirit and optimism.

The experts of the European Yoga Federation are fully dedicated to the participants for six days. Participants were taught effortless and enjoyable yoga exercises under the supervision of a mentor. Breathing techniques are taught to increase the vital capacity of the lungs and the blood supply to each region of the body. The regenerative program is accompanied by proper nutrition and pleasant exercises to improve concentration.

Practicing yoga in the beautiful environment of the protected nature of the Visočina region, a natural oasis in the heart of Europe – in the Czech Republic awakens creative inspiration

Every year of life in which we are is the best year of life when we dedicate ourselves to health and finding wisdom and joy of life.


Yoga with pets is a style of yoga in which animals practice together with members of their human family, where practicing a combination of stretching, energy, massage and meditation techniques contributes to improving the coexistence of humans and animals and achieving a life in harmony. In a beautiful environment of authentic nature, in our residential educational center in the heart of Europe, we opened the door for animal lovers from all over the world and their pets and their participation in a specially created yoga camp.